Are your clients funds already invested but have no idea how ethical their portfolio is? Don’t worry, King & Shaxson will provide a free of charge ‘under the bonnet’ screening service, where we can review any client’s current portfolio and produce an Ethical Screening Report. A full report can be produced for portfolios over £250k, whilst a brief commentary can be supplied for smaller portfolios.
Many clients will be invested in collectives without knowing the underlying holdings, so this is where we can assist. This valuable tool can be used with your client during periodic reviews and is a valuable source of education, bringing to life an otherwise routine process. The Ethical Screening report can be used in conjunction with our Values Based Questionnaire and Investment Proposal, to allow the client and adviser to truly understand how their ethics can truly be reflected into a portfolio.
This screening process is a natural part of what we do at King & Shaxson and all investments, from collectives to single equities will be thoroughly scrutinised.