Cash Management Portfolio Service
The origins of King & Shaxson date back to 1866 where it was founded as a Discount House, playing an integral part in money markets and acting as the intermediary between the Bank of England and the clearing banks.
Cash is often an overlooked asset class when it comes to fund management, however King & Shaxson can optimise the return on a cash portfolio through investments into money market instruments.
Our pedigree within money markets is evident to this day, as a member of the London Money Market Association (LMMA) and with the Debt Management Office as a primary participant in UK Treasury Bills. This privileged position provides direct access to the primary market via the weekly treasury bill tender.
Particular parameters and restrictions can be put in place to address counterparty exposure, types of instruments and maturity profiles. Once these are established, assets can be put to work in an efficient and productive way. The minimum investment for this service is £1,000,000.
Benefits of cash management
Highly secure
Investments into short dated securities such as UK treasury bills is a highly secure way of enhancing the yield on cash investments. Pershing Securities are the custodian of King & Shaxson Asset Management’s client assets. As an FCA regulated custodian, Pershing are required to comply with the FCA’s rules on client money and assets (“CASS Rules”). The CASS rules require firms that hold client money and assets to ensure that these assets are segregated and ring-fenced from their own assets.
Highly Flexible
Investments will be into highly liquid, daily traded securities, such as UK treasury bills. There is no 'lock up' period or small limit on the amount you can invest like some savings accounts or bonds. Investors can access their funds at short notice should their situation change.
Enhance returns
With many individuals and corporates receiving interest in their bank or savings accounts well below the bank rate, shorted dated securities can be used to enhance the return whilst taking on limited risk. Through King & Shaxson, investors have access to the primary treasury bill market where returns are much more competitive versus the secondary market.