Welcome to King & Shaxson Asset Management

King & Shaxson Asset Management has offered a distinct ethical and sustainable focused portfolio management service for individuals, trusts and charities since 2002, and is our sole focus today. We take your clients ethics and values and reflect it in their investment portfolio.

About Us

King & Shaxson Asset Management (KSAM) has offered a distinct ethical and sustainable portfolio management service for individuals, trusts and charities since 2002, and is our sole focus today. We take your clients’ ethics and values and reflect it in their investment portfolio.

KSAM is personally committed to investing for positive change, and has been doing so under the leadership of Wayne Bishop since 2002. Taking an active management approach, we seek out investments which have a positive sustainable outcome, allowing individuals to have personal investments to reflect their core beliefs and values.

King & Shaxson is a long-established City name with a history that dates back to the mid-nineteenth century. Founded as a Discount House, King & Shaxson has evolved in to a financial services company incorporating an investment firm, trading venue, treasury consultancy and asset management.

Our Services - Rewarding Your Values

Bespoke Discretionary Portfolio

The bespoke portfolio service is available to individuals, Trusts, Charities and institutional clients. This portfolio is highly personal and is tailored to each client, made possible via our extensive value-based questionnaire. Portfolios will invest predominantly into direct assets, ensuring the underlying screen set by the client is met. Portfolios can combine multiple GIAs, ISAs, SIPPs, Trusts, or bonds (min investment £500,000). To find out more about our bespoke service, click here

Platform Model Portfolios

Our initial range of Ethical Model Portfolios was launched in February 2010 and can be accessed through various platforms. The Ethical MPS combines largely active funds across a range of asset classes and are suitable for clients seeking a stringent negative and positive screen. Meanwhile, our Brighter World MPS was launched in 2023, which offers an additional range of portfolios combining largely passive investments but still with an active overlay. The Brighter World MPS is a lower cost service, predominantly achieved through lower cost funds and ETFs whilst still adhering to a relatively stringent screen, albeit with some nuances to our longstanding ethical MPS.

King and Shaxson Corporate Social Responsibility

Our mission is to provide important and useful economic activity in a socially responsible way, in line with our core values, and provide reasonable and fair returns to all stakeholders; clients, staff and shareholders. King and Shaxson deem social responsibility to be at the heart of the company. We conduct our business in strict accordance to the motto “Dictum meum pactum”; My word is my bond. This includes taking part in worthwhile causes during the year, such as fundraising events, or supporting local clubs through sponsorship.

The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association

King & Shaxson Asset Management are members of UKSIF, a membership organisation for those in the finance industry committed to growing sustainable and responsible finance in the UK. The organisation has a vision to create a fair, inclusive and sustainable financial system that works for the benefit of society and the environment. UKSIF therefore works to support and influence policymakers, regulators, financial services trade and professional bodies and other decision-makers on sustainable finance and investment issues.